Christmas Eve 2013

We decided to make Christmas Eve a longer day for us this year. We used to go to Grandma Palacios house, then Grandma Morales house, then my parents house, then Jaime's parents house. It made for a very long evening. The last few years we have just gone to my parents and Jaime's. We decided to go to Grandma Morales Christmas Eve dinner hosted at Mimi's new hair salon. It was set up with chairs and tables all over. The family has grown so much there still wasn't sitting room for everyone. Grandpa Morales didn't come however, he's just getting too old and tired to go anywhere and doesn't do crowds. Jaime and his cousin took the time to go over to visit with him while I stayed with the others at the salon. 

Bel, Marty, Jaime and Chris…we're waiting for dinner. And it was good!
The traditional tamales, rice, and beans, and yummy sides and treats.

Then we went to my parents where they had planned a nativity sing along. Lori helped the kids set up the nativity figurines at the right times. Dad read the story from the scriptures then Mom would play the corresponding primary song and we'd sing along. I don't know if my children felt the Spirit like I did but it's truly what I wanted. I'm grateful my family took the time to help create this for my kids. 

Lindsey got up and played The First Noel and Silent Night. 

Then Christmas Jammies!

I made them for everyone, even the girls dolls. Jaime and no clue. I only worked during school hours.
Olivia forgot to bring her doll. Actually, I didn't get it for her on purpose like I did Lindsey's. ;)

Playing the piano with Grandma. 

Then off to Jaime's folk's house.
Olivia, Miranda, Chris, Bel, (in the back there) and Marcus

They open gifts so fast there I didn't get many pictures taken, partly because I wanted to watch everything. 

See Olivia's box?

It's Molly an American Girl! And why I didn't bring Olivia's doll.
She was so happy because Molly is now out of stock as the company is retiring the doll.

We're so spoiled by having family close by. I can't believe all the give to us. I also love the excitement of watching everyone open gifts. It's so fun to watch their excitement of opening gifts I put time and effort and thought in to. 
We did have the drive home which puts us home late but the kids did great…until Lindsey threw up in the car just blocks from home. Aaaand she did again two hours later at 1 a.m. Needless to say, no one woke her up Christmas morning. 

Merry Christmas!


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