Christmas Party

I'm happy to announce that this is the first year since I've had children that all of them were happy to see Santa Claus. No tearful kids staring at the man in the red suit, no one too scared to come near the man, and no crying to go back to mom's arms. Each one was  happy to go see Santa and talk with him about Christmas gifts. Priceless. 

 Our ward Christmas Party was great. Our ward is so big that long tables were borrowed from another church building. We had 3 rows of these tables next to each other the entire length of the gym…it still wasn't enough! They had to set up round tables in the corner when others kept coming. 
With a ward this big a buffet dinner is so long and tedious for children. This dinner was served to us while we were still in our seats! It's great if you're a parent!! The young men brought out the serving carts and gave everyone a plate with a baked potato and two slices of pork and a bowl of applesauce. All the potato fixings, baskets of rolls, and bowls of salads were spread along the tables so we each could fill our plates and dress the potatoes from our seats. I had no complaints with it. After you were done with dinner you could wander up to the dessert table. 
The tables were covered in paper with crayons placed for kids to color as they waited. 

It kept mine occupied!

I've been wrapping gifts the last couple days. The kids have been excited to see more and more gifts every day under the tree…well some are beside the tree since they don't fit under. The large gifts I haven't put any names on. It's fun to see them guessing whose it could be and what it is. 

I love this time of year when we get to do special activities and get togethers. We've had a couple parties, including the infamous ugly sweater party. We have a couple other parties coming up. There's so much going on for us this year that I don't have a day for our Christmas party. I had to say no to some get togethers just because of other plans that conflicted. I hate saying no but at the same time I felt so grateful to have such wonderful friends! I really couldn't ask for more. We have a wonderful ward, great friends and neighbors, a great job, and awesome family close by! I feel so blessed. I definitely can't count my blessings because there are too many. 
It's a busy month but I have no complaints! 

Tyler likes to place the gifts I've wrapped under the tree. He tells me thank you each time he sees a wrapped gift in my room and takes it to the tree. He's a great helper and is very excited for Christmas!

Speaking of parties…
This little man of mine is turning 4! 
He helped me bake his cake and now at this very moment he's crying for me to frost it. He's a cake eater. If I do decorate it I worry he will dig in before his party tomorrow. :)


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