Big Steps in our House

Happy Birthday Olivia! She turned 8 on Friday February 21 at 4:59 p.m. to be exact. 
She's excited for a new bike, don't ya think?

She asked for the usual birthday dinner…uh, breakfast. Waffles! As we sang happy birthday to her she got her card from dear Bill and Pat Flory to sing along with us. She loves these singing cards and Pat must know it because she keeps sending them to Liv. :)

Olivia and her friend Adallyn were the only two from our ward being baptized this month. It worked out great. Getting baptized with one of your best friends, how awesome is that?! Olivia's family did half the program and Adallyn's family did half. Ad's mom Megan took the girls pictures at the temple a few weeks before the baptism. 

 Her baptism day. Saturday, a day after her birthday.

The baptism was beautiful. I couldn't believe how full the room was. More chairs were needed to accommodate. What love was felt in that room! For Olivia's record, here's the list of those who came for you:
Grandma and Grandpa Naylor, Great-grandma and grandpa Noble, Aunt Elizabeth, Aunt Lori, Aunt Bel, Grandma and Grandpa Morales, Ruben and Dawn Morales, Dennis and Karen Shea, Jeremy and Carina Anderson and family, Corinne and Ben Potter and Family, Celia Furness, Kate Sautter, Susi and Emily Daw, Tara and Eva Barrow, Kellie Walters (primary teacher), Debbie Ashton (primary teacher), Stephanie, Keira, and Avery Vance, Reed Leisinger, Justin and Jessica Christensen and Family, Britton and Jessica Fort and family, Elder Jensen and Elder Pensell, Chad and Megan Anderson and Family (as they were their for Adallyn but we were there for Adallyn too.) Olivia I want you to remember how important this day was for you. So many came because they recognize this big step in your life. They love you! It was fun to meet some from Adallyn's extended family as well. Olivia's Grandma Naylor and Adallyn's Grandma Anderson spoke on baptism and the Holy Ghost. The book you received "Look Up" was written by Grandma Anderson and was a true story from her life. The Spirit was felt so strongly in this meeting. I loved the song sung by Lindsey, Olivia, and Adallyn. Sweet angel voices. 

Olivia was beaming. She told me she felt soooo good! And she should! I wanted this day to be so exciting and special that she would be able to remember it forever. I'm so happy for these two beautiful girls. Congrats Liv and Ad!
The table was displayed with pictures of the girls. The wooden stands I made this week. Fun little project. Thanks for the help Jaime!

After the baptism we had a luncheon at our house. The kids had a blast playing together and catching up. Course, so did the adults!

Liv's cake. Pretty and easy to serve! Thanks for your help on it Kate! I got a new piping tip and frosting recipe out of this learning experience for me. 

 After cake was presents. Thank you so much for the love shown by so many family and friends. 

New scriptures. Later that night she came up and gave me a hug saying "Thanks for my scriptures." 
I had such warm feelings all day. Just imagine how Olivia felt! I couldn't have planned the day any better. The baptism was perfect! The after 'party' was perfect. The evening with our kids was perfect. While I was putting stuff away that night I was so overwhelmed by the Spirit. I knelt down and thanked my father in heaven for the wonderful day we just had and the many blessings he's blessed me with. My family being one of the biggest! I'm grateful for the knowledge I have of the gospel. I know it's true. Having stake conference today has also helped me to keep this wonderful feeling with me today as I felt yesterday. 

Olivia, you're such a sweet little angel. You love to "mother" and help me around the house. You're very obedient. You make your bed every day without being told. You like to bake, play make believe and toys. You play well with your brothers and sister. You come home from school everyday with a skip in your step. You're learning to love reading and get better all the time. You have such beautiful deep brown eyes that I love to look into. As you grow I can still see your baby face. You're beautiful! You have a special place in my heart Liv-luv. I'm so proud of you for taking this important step of being baptized.  I hope you always remember how you felt on this day. 
Happy Birthday. 


  1. She is such a sweet girl! So glad she had such an awesome birthday :) 8 is Great!


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