Did Someone Call the Tooth Fairy?

While brushing Aidan's teeth a few weeks ago I noticed Aidan's two front lower teeth were both loose. They were finally loose enough to yank out the other day. So on Monday I asked Aidan if he was ready for me to pull them out. He said no. One was just a little bit looser than the other. So I said, if you grab a tissue I can get that tooth out. What do you think he did? He ran and grabbed a napkin for me. I use the napkin to give some grip on the tooth. I grab the tooth with the napkin and just pop that little tooth out! He had to ask if I got it because he couldn't even feel anything. 

He was smiling from ear to ear. I couldn't have been happier.

On Tuesday morning he was a bit disappointed to find a dollar. Really? I would have been excited to get that when I was five! You know what he said? He said, "I wanted a quarter." Silly kid.
I guess he decided to try for one. Tonight just before bed I asked him if he wanted me to pull out his other tooth. Of course, he said no. I casually say, get a tissue and I'll pop it out!
Sure enough, he runs to the bathroom to get one. I follow him and take the tissue and he waits for me to pull it out. This one barely even bled. No words of ouch or anything. 

The tooth fairy is busy around here!
It's odd how losing teeth makes them look older. I'm not ready for him to be such a big boy yet. He's such a softy. Loves to cuddle and snuggle with me. I hope that doesn't change. 


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