Party Time

We celebrated Olivia's 8th birthday we a party with some friends today. 

She wanted a Disney's Frozen theme. So off to the internet to look for ideas and inspiration. 
I may have spent more time planning, researching, shopping, and preparing for this party than I have for any of the other parties. Not sure why I went so gung-ho on this but I did.

Shimmery, icicle-esk doorway curtain (that was used for our V-day dinner as well. Had to get all the money I could out things.) and white tissue pom pons hanging from the light fixture. 

dipped pretzel rods, snow cap mountain punch (7UP, blue hawaiian punch with a dollop of ice-cream on top) in hand painted cups, 'ice-cube' jell-o squares (made with a layer of clear and a layer of blue giving it a fun icy look), carrots (for Olaf's nose and Sven's favorite snack) and ranch dressing (because what kid eats carrots without something to dip them in?), Snow man fixins and cup cakes.

They watched Frozen while waiting for everyone to get here then continued to watch while they ate.

The original plan was for the boys to stay upstairs during the party. With all this fun they saw you can't blame them for wanting to be in on it. I was happy to have them around for it. :)

Princess Olivia and Emily…she's quite the character. Love these girls!

We played snowman building races, a relay of running a cotton ball on a spoon around the room and into a cup relay, and they took a Frozen quiz testing them on what they remembered about the movie.

Then I let them build real snowmen. I made the Olaf heads a couple days ago. The girls assembled the donuts, pretzels and chocolate chips, and head.

They enjoyed building Olaf, kissing, and eating Olaf. :)

Then we played a game similar to Headbandz. I taped a name of a character to each girls forehead and they needed to guess who they were by talking to others. They laughed so hard during this game. I loved it. 

Time for presents! Yes, she loves her glasses. She's borrowed her friend's play glasses before. They're simply an accessory and she's wanted some for quite some time. She was so excited for everything. Thank you dear friends!

After presents we sang the infamous happy birthday song complete with sound effects. Liv blew out 8 candles in one blow and then they dug in to the cupcakes. Cupcakes are so much easier than cake. I don't have to cut and hand out each piece. They just grab and eat. 
It was the perfect party I was informed but multiple girls multiple times. That's always good to hear. I like having my efforts be worth it. I'm glad I could make Olivia's party memorable. 


  1. Oh, my goodness! Everything looks absolutely adorable, and Olivia is such a Princess! What a memorable event!


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