Will You Be My Valentine?

I started kind of a new tradition for our family last year. For Valentine's day, rather than leave the kids with a babysitter and Jaime and I go out to dinner, I made the evening special for our kids. I did a movie theater theme last year. The kids LOVED it. I wanted to plan something for them this year too. I think this is the first Valentine's that I haven't given gifts to our kids. They got so much for Christmas, Jaime bought them new toys in January when I was over east with my brothers, and in February I ordered books for the girls from a school book order. I also spent more on food this year than last year. Sirloin steaks definitely cost more than hot dogs. :)

So, our day started with a box of valentines' and goodies on our door step for our family. Later in the day I opened the front door to find we'd been heart-attacked. 
Thank you!! Everyone likes to feel loved. 

Olivia kept trying to guess all month what I was going to do for Valentine's. Just from conversation she picked up these clues: manners, nice dinner, and one other but I couldn't remember. She was so funny about it. Acting as if I slipped in saying too much and would ruin the surprise. I was excited to get everything ready while they were gone at school.

Jaime grilled steaks while I prepared mashed potatoes, gravy, and corn. (I had to pick a menu that they'd eat most of.) When all the food was ready, Jaime and I ran upstairs to change. The kids were great to stay upstairs as we prepared dinner and I did the finishing touches. I had laid out dresses and suits for the kids. They were so happy to get dressed up and it not be Sunday. After Jaime and I changed we snuck downstairs before the kids could see us. Then we told them they could come down. I had hung up a sparkly, tinsel door curtain in the archway to our kitchen. Jaime held one side open and I held the other. The kids' faces were so cute when they saw the candle light, soft music, Jaime in his suit with a towel draped over his arm, and me in a sparkly formal dress, holding the curtain apart for them to walk through. 

Our candlelit dinner with our fancy dishes. I had a little dish with chocolates between the candles and little red glass hearts sprinkled around them. 
We started with home made bread cut into small squares, with home made strawberry jam. The kept calling me ma'am  and Jaime sir when they needed our attention to get them something. They used "proper" language they called it by complementing me about the food or the "restaurant." They were good to say excuse me, please, and thank you.
We offered them a variety of drinks. After the bread we took their bread plates and served the main course. (I decided against doing a green salad since the boys don't eat it and I didn't want them to get too full.) After dinner Jaime and I took their plates then served up dessert. 

cherry, strawberry jello mousse
All the lacy coasters that go on the base of the goblets were courtesy of the Davenport Hotel in Spokane. Yep, they use these pretty little babies on the water glasses in the rooms and in their restaurant. I was able to use 14 of them this night. Very fun and something different to add to the charm and magic of the evening. 

The kids kept talking about dancing. They really wanted a dance after dinner. Why not? 

They all took turns dancing with each other...

and us. The boys were too cute by saying, "May I cut in?" When they wanted to dance with me. 
Lindsey was kind enough to bring Jaime and I together to get a dance in. We really did feel like we had a wonderful date night. 

Here's just a small peak at my dress. Yep, I still have my Jr. Miss dress. Tyler and Aidan said I looked beautiful. :) Love compliments from my kids. 

After dancing was a bit of visiting and playing games. Tyler really wanted to play duck, duck, goose, so we all ran and changed into pjs to play. The boys did so much running around they burned themselves out. To end the evening we gathered in a circle on the floor and I handed out the valentine cards/letters from my mom to each one. It meant a lot to them. The cards are next to their beds, except Tyler's. He puts important stuff under his pillow. :) We closed the evening with family prayer then up to bed. All 4 kids were in bed by 9:30. Not too late for Jaime and I to spend the evening together having some quiet time (after dishes were cleaned up) and visiting on the couch…without the tv! Yeah that doesn't happen too often. Generally we visit with the tv on. 
It was a great Valentine's Day! Well worth the memories we've made.


  1. What a fantastic evening and a "Night to Remember!" You are a wonderful parents, Lisa and Jaime!

  2. WHat??? you totally should of shown a pic of all of you in that dress! Would have loved to see it ;)


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