Busy, busy!

I feel like a I've been running around like a chicken with his head cut off. I've been so busy that I don't have time to feel tired. There's so many different things I've been working on all with deadlines in the next two weeks. I keep making to-do lists. I will work on one day's project, then switch to another project. None of it has been a start to finish thing in one day. Which drives me nuts! I've been working on the RS directory which I thought was all done and updated and ready to be sent off to the printing company but our bishopric changed and new people moved in. Ahhh, as soon as that thing is printed I'm having a party! Our ward is so huge that gathering updated phone numbers and pictures, especially from in actives is really time consuming. Sad thing is it's probably all going to become obsolete this fall. 

I've had ward choir practice and stake choir practices. I really enjoy both of them. Stake choir is definitely more work. Harder numbers to sing and our stake choir is much smaller than our ward choir so it makes us have to work harder as well. Stake choir is at another ward building and by the time everyone in our carpool gets in and we reach the church I've been in the car for 40 minutes. So  that's about 3 hours of time I could use to get my other stuff done! I obviously do enjoy the singing time otherwise I wouldn't be going. And the driving time is fun with all the ladies in the car. 

This week was my week for preschool. I've decided that 8 kids with the youngest being 3 and the oldest being 5 is too hard. Too big of an age gap/attention span. It makes the day, no the week, so much more stressful. Needless to say I was glad when 11:30 rolled around today. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy making fun games and activities and singing but it seems that those who are younger finish everything faster (with less work into their projects) and they take off upstairs to go play. I'm constantly regathering young ones. It makes me wonder if they're really learning anything. Overall it's a good thing for them. My boys definitely have more friends because of it!

I've been working on party plans for Olivia's birthday parties, her baptism and luncheon. I've been working on our Valentine's day party by making fun unique desserts and treats. I've helped the girls put their valentines together. Which took time. I guess I could have gotten the cheap boxes of valentines but I really don't like them. So I had to find some creative idea to whip up. I love the internet for that purpose of stealing borrowing cute ideas. 

Also the girls needed to make valentine boxes to take to school. Lindsey's teacher sent home a letter saying it was a contest for the most pretty, most creative, and most crazy boxes. Great! Why do they have to do stuff like that? It only makes those who lose feel bad. Takes the whole "love everyone" out of valentines day. Lindsey chose to make a birdhouse. It's cute but I'm not banking on her winning. :/ So Valentines Day has become an entire week of preparing plus the days of shopping for it last week. 

The kids went out to play in the snow all they could. We had a good week of some real good snow. Cancelled our church meetings it did! I'm glad my kids got to play in the snow so much. Especially since I bought them nice snow boots/gear on Zulily in the fall and worried they wouldn't get to use it at all. Yesterday it warmed up to 57 and today 59 and all that snow we had is completely gone just in two days. You wouldn't know we had any. 

Then there's been the usual things going on and the not so usual things. Visiting teaching, my visiting teachers coming, play dates, school boundary meetings (SO glad that's over with), McTeacher's night at McDonald's, getting kids into snow gear multiple times, dr. visits, laundry, cleaning the house if I have time in the midst of the not so usual things, crafty projects for parties, giving hair cuts, and just maintaing my kids with food and drinks. Yep, that sums up my last two weeks. I get up anywhere from 6:30-8 and hardly sit down and do nothing until about 9:30.  And when I am sitting I'm working on something staying up till almost midnight most nights. 11 is our goal for our regular bedtime it seems. 

Two weeks ago Jaime's parents had the kids Friday-Sunday. It was so nice! It was a great restful weekend to get me geared up for the following two weeks. We went furniture shopping and pretended to spend about $3000. Didn't buy anything but we sure could have if we liked going through money that fast. It was fun to browse though multiple furniture stores and day dream and take our time without kids. Since we have church at 1pm now we were able to pick the kids up Sunday morning and bring them home to get ready for church. This may be something that could happen more!

This is mostly just a journal entry. I used to write in a journal every single day. I have a box full of journals. When I go through them most of them are pretty boring entries. Nothing would happen that day but I'd still write down the mundane things I did that day. This is just to record my crazy days so when I look back, and my kids are older, if I ever wonder what I did during the day when they were young, I've got it down! ;)

On Sunday February 23 I should have less stress! Everything will be done by then. We'll see how long that lasts. Who knows what else will come up. 


  1. You HAVE been busy! Phew, don't know how you do it :) BTW, love the snow pics!


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