Elite Choir Experiences

Both Lindsey and Olivia didn't want to do choir or sing in front of others. They both were part of some amazing choir experiences this year and they both LOVE to sing and be in choir now. 

Olivia was selected by her music teacher to go and participate in a day long "choir camp" type thing to sing with kids from all over the district. Choristers from middle and high school came to work with the kids. 

There were so many kids! The musical numbers all sounded so good. Lots of talent in this group. 

While Olivia (and Emily) spent the day at choir, Jaime and I and the rest of the kids were at a lacrosse tournament with Aidan. Luckily it was in Kennewick so when it was time for the choir concert I was able to leave lacrosse and go watch Olivia. When it was over I took Olivia and Emily back to the lacrosse tournament.

These are the eight students chosen from Olivia's school. 

After Aidan's game it was already past dinner time and we needed to eat. We decided to go out to Fiesta Mexican restaurant. It was such a fun evening. This lady in this picture is making us fresh guacamole. It is so good. Even Lindsey, Olivia, and Tyler like to eat it. 

Dancing to YMCA
We were there during the live music. The kids really got in to it and had fun singing and dancing. 

When the Macarena came on the kids were doing the moves in their seat and this gentleman saw them dancing it and asked Emily to show him how it's done. It was fun to watch her teach him. The guy was pretty silly, however he had been drinking so that's probably why he was so interested in getting up and dancing in front of people. Hahaha
I sent photos to Emily's mom Susi, while she was out of town, so she could see what Emily was up to. She was glad to see Emily was having a blast.
We had so much fun. These kids were hilarious. 
I love their facial expressions. 😆😆😆😆 What a good day. 


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