Making Some Changes

We have done a lot of hunting around and looking at houses. Met with multiple realtors, looked at different house plans and areas to build a new house, weighed pros and cons to moving. Honestly, I don't want to deal with building a new house right now, I like the location of our current house, and we've decided it'd be cheaper to make some of the changes in our home to things we liked and wanted if we built a new house. 

So I took a few pictures of our house as it is before changes. 
As I look at this picture I think "How did I live with that?" I don't like the way it looks at all from the look of this picture. I'm not quite sure how I'll change this up but I hope to be able to. The piano is not something fun to decorate around. 

Furniture is all moved out and the carpet is now ready to be pulled up. Yes it's vacuumed. :) Jaime's parents are planning on taking the carpet to replace in a couple rooms at their house 

Carpet is all gone. 
We decided to get rid of the carpet, which was the plan when we built that we'd replace it in about five years because we knew it was low quality and didn't care for it to begin with. It's now just over six years old so out it comes! We wanted to replace it with grayish brown wood floors. If we built a house we were going to put in white cabinets in the kitchen. We've already received the bid for the color change to our kitchen. It'll make it look so much brighter. When we built our home six years ago white wasn't an option but now it is for those who are building in our neighborhood. 


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