Sports and more Sports

Lindsey is really enjoying tennis. None of them at this age are able to keep the ball going for very long but I like how Lindsey still enjoys it and wants to get better. I'll enjoy watching her improve over the next few years and hope she plays into high school. 

Today Lindsey had a tennis match (home thank goodness!)

And down the road from Lindsey's match Tyler had his first baseball game! He is so ready for this. This is his sport. What he wants to do most. I really hope we can help him develop this skill he wants. 

His first at bat he had a good hit! I think his second one he walked to base. I think he's going to have a good swing once he really gets this down. 
Just our luck there wasn't a coach for Tyler's team. Last minute Jaime volunteered to be the coach. he recruited his PE teacher, Mark Garza who played baseball in college, to coach with him. I'm grateful to both of them to help these kids out and help them learn. Jaime being coach actually helps me out a lot! I don't have to worry about getting Tyler to practice if one of the other kids has something at the same time. Jaime will just be taking Tyler. In order for Jaime to do this though he now goes to work earlier so he can leave work early in order to go to practices and games. It's important enough for him to make the sacrifice. Or more like, Tyler is important enough for Jaime to make this sacrifice. 

This is a picture of Aidan at face off at a scrimmage during practice the other day. Considering it's a face off and you have to really be IN IT to get possession of the ball Aidan did a good job. His teammate was able to make a goal after Aidan got possession of the ball. Way to go Aidan!!


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