Covid Strikes


I came down with a mild cold the beginning of June. Just some congestion really. A slight sore throat one day. It eventually moved down into my voice and I sounded horrible but I felt fine. I didn't think anything of it. I've had worse colds before. 
Then Jaime came down with it. But he had a fever, chills, headache. So, for work he was required to test before coming back to work. He tested positive. I was feeling fine but wondered if I'd test positive if I took a test. So I took one and it was positive, even though I felt fine. Jaime was out for about a week. Thank goodness protocols have changed and so Jaime was able to get back to work sooner and just in time for graduations. He just had to wear a mask for 5 days back at work. 

I didn't test any of the kids but they probably had it. One Sunday Olivia woke with a mild fever but no other symptoms just felt yucky. Tyler had cold like symptoms but felt fine but I let him and Olivia stay home. A few days later Aidan wasn't feeling well. He mostly just slept. He didn't have congestion or aches just a fever for a couple days and was luckily better before the last day of school and not during graduation festivities. 

Now that I think of it, last month Lindsey was sick a couple weeks before I was. So maybe she had it first from working. But everyone just felt like they had a cold. We've all been sick worse than this before. Jaime probably had it the worst. No one lost taste or sense of smell. I think the Rona has lessened in severity. Which is good. Glad we're all doing well now. 


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