My Little Music Makers

We had quite the musical afternoon today. Lindsey and Olivia had a music recital in Kennewick at a senior living center. It's the first recital Liv played her guitar. She did great!

Lindsey hasn't played the violin since 5th grade but she learned a song for her play at the school so her teacher wanted her to play it in the recital. 

Then she played 3 numbers on the piano. She sure has some hard songs. She's progressed so well. 

After the recital in Kennewick we went to Olivia's piano recital in Richland. She played a duet with her piano teacher's son playing the cello. Olivia did wonderfully! Tanner is new to the cello so playing a duet with Olivia playing the piano was challenging but I think they did a good job. 
Tyler was sick and couldn't make it to the recital. 😔 I was looking forward to his song. He's been playing the theme song to Jurassic Park and has that song down pat! The afternoon may have been hectic going from place to place but I loved hearing my girls play such beautiful music. 


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