Morales Family Pics

 We haven't had a family picture with everyone since Marcus's wedding! And Liandrew wasn't even in it. So we were well overdo for pictures. I'm so grateful Bel arranged to have it done while Marcus and Aide were visiting from AZ.  

Martin and Diana's family

Jaime's family

I love this one. 


happy graduate

I'm so blessed to have these wonderful people as my parents in law. 

The girls

The boys 

Bel and Chris are such a great couple. I love how they love my kids. 

Grandparents with all their grandkids. 

The cutest little family!

These boys. And Tyler and Gordo have the cutest friendship. 


How is it that it doesn't look like I have kids anymore! They're all so tall-ish and grown up. 

Our graduate

I love this family, crazy and fun,

loving and always has each other's back. 

Congratulations Doll!


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