
The day has come! Lindsey's high school graduation...and Jaime's first facilitation of graduation as the high school principal.  

They have their gowns in hand and are heading off to the stadium to get ready for graduation. 

I love this picture that was taken of them while waiting for graduation to start. 

All the graduates waiting in the parking lot at the top of the stadium just waiting for their cue to walk in with a huge crowd of family and friends there just for these awesome grads. 

The superintendent took these pictures of Jaime as the grads were walking in. 

He looks so official and good looking. I'm so proud of where he as made it in this school district. He really is one of their greatest assets. 

Welcoming and beginning the ceremony. 

Lindsey was a line leader so we were able to see her right away walking up the rows of chairs. 

She could hear her name being called but couldn't quite see where we were sitting. 

Now she does! She had quite the cheering squad there to see and celebrate her. 

She looks so beautiful and grown up. Like one of the girls you wish you could look like and look so good in a graduation cap and gown. 😉

Jaime did a great job on his speech. I was so proud of him. 

On her way up to receive her diploma and shake hands with the superintendent and principal. I loved that she blew us a kiss. I love more that I got it on camera! 💕

Lindsey shaking Superintendent Michelle Whitney's hand after receiving her diploma. 

She received a big hug from her principal. She's kind of a favorite student of is. 😉

So proud of my girl. So hard to believe this day is here. I didn't want to let her go from my arms. 

Hugs from grandmas

Olivia is so sweet to help take care of Lindsey on this special day. 

She did it!

Family tradition!

These two stole the show! ;)

One of my best friends!

So grateful for my family and that we could celebrate Lindsey's accomplishment. 

BFFs!! Always and forever. There's nothing like what these two have. I'm envious of it but also my heart just swells thinking of their relationship. It makes me proud as their mom that they're so close. 

These boys look up to Lindsey more than she realizes. They hide their feelings a bit easier but I know they're going to miss her. 

All the feels right here. 

Pictures with grandmas. :) This girl has a great relationship with both her grandmas. Being the oldest grandchild on both sides plus living so close to them all her life has made their bonds so strong. 

Lindsey's necklace was a grad gift from Grandma. It opens and has an inscription on the inside for the two of them. I seemed to shine so bright this morning. Bright like my girl. 

Emily's kids were staying a few weeks with Grandma and Grandpa Naylor so Jacob and Emma were able to come and support Lindsey. It was so sweet of them to come. 

Elizabeth and Jon's family 

Bel and Aide

Grandpa and Grandma Morales

Marcus and Aide's family

Chris and Bel

The twins.

The GHS grads of 1998! Bel, Jaime, Elizabeth. 

I still remember seeing Lindsey dancing with Marcus at his wedding. These two are closer in age than Jaime and Marcus. We appreciated Marcus and his family making the trip from Arizona to support Lindsey and see her graduate. 

Lindsey's cheering squad!

Grandma and Grandpa Naylor

Dad stayed up at the top of the stadium during the ceremony with Great Grandpa Noble in his wheelchair. My dad was ready to go and just waited at the top. He wasn't planning on walking down to get pictures with Lindsey. He said he was ok not getting them. I told him that I want pictures with him and Lindsey wants pictures with him. 

This is how much it meant to her to have her Grandpa walk down the bleachers to come see her after she graduated. After she worried that he wasn't going to walk down onto the field.

 She really wanted him there and I'm so glad he listened to my mom telling him that we wanted him to come down. 

These pictures are priceless and ones that we will love for many years and feelings that Lindsey will hold dear. I'm so grateful that Jacob was willing to walk back up the bleachers after getting his picture with Lindsey so that he could stay with Grandpa Noble so my dad could come down and see Lindsey and congratulate her. This is family, and this is what they do for each other. I love our family. 

Celebratory hugs with friends!

Lindsey, Natalie, Thalia

Dallin Hedrick and Lindsey

Brynlee, Lindsey, Olivia

Brynlee Beck and Lindsey

Elena Kleinman and Lindsey

Emily was out of town and Lori couldn't make it to the graduation with her three young kids so she watched it via zoom. I'm grateful for technology that allows us to stay connected so easy when we're so far away. Lindsey appreciated their love and support from afar. 

After graduation we had a luncheon for those of the family could come and then we headed out for family pictures with the Morales side since Marcus's family was in town. We haven't had a family picture on that side since Marcus's wedding!

Jaime and I went to help at Lindsey's senior party at the high school. There were some fun games and activities and lots and lots of food! So much food that they sent whole pizzas and lots of hamburgers home with kids. More money should have been spent on cooler prizes/gifts but I wasn't the one who bought those things. Lindsey walked away with a bit of cash and some prizes that she was excited to get...especially a baking set. :) She was so cute as she picked it out. 

It was a long day but such a good one. Congratulations Lindsey!!


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