Graduation Open House


Time for the open house to celebrate this girlie. 

The open house was a success. Due to rain we moved it inside the church which actually worked out better. It was easier to set up and decorate the tables for the grads. 

This is such a fun group of kids. They enjoyed having the open house together. Made it so they could all be at each other's and not have to pick and choose to go to different ones. 

It made it so much easier on us moms! We each were given assignments to help put on the event, then we paid out what needed to be paid to those who bought things food and decor. It was cheaper to split the costs of everything than for us to put on our own individual parties. 

Kindra Whitemarsh is the Young Women President. She's been with these girls since they were Beehives. They're all going to miss her and I know she's going to miss them so much. She's been such a good impact on these young women. They love her and her fun personality. 

I'm grateful for women like Kindra who take an interest in my girls. Lindsey and Kindra have a special bond. Lindsey loves sitting and visiting forever with her. 

Haley, Sheridan, Lindsey. These three are the only graduates in our ward from Chiawana. 

They each repped their school proudly. 

Lindsey had lots of friends and family come to support her. I thought it was so special that so many of Diana's family came to support Lindsey. Diana's sisters each took the time to drive over to Pasco and attend. I feel so blessed to have such supportive family members. I know it meant a lot to Lindsey. 

Lindsey and Margie. Margie worked in Lindsey's elementary school in Grandview. She's more than just Lindsey's dad's cousin. Margie loves Lindsey like a daughter. 

Lindsey's table display. It came together so well. 
Gifts of flowers and balloons just seemed to complete the table. Guests put gifts under the table and cards in the bin on the table. The set up worked perfectly.

I was glad we set up inside because it made it easier to hang Lindsey's softball poster. I liked getting out pictures of Lindsey from years passed as well as her high school career to set up for others to see. 

She's such a beautiful young woman. I love her smile and positivity. She has a good outlook on life. I'm excited to see how she does in this next phase of her life. 

We got a picture of most of the youth that attended at the end of the open house after most of the cleanup was done. Not all these kids are seniors (as you can see Olivia is here) but they're all good friends and loved being together this evening. Before I know it I'll be planning an open house for Olivia and her friends. We will have another large graduating group in our ward in two years! I'll be collaborating with some of the same moms as I did this time too. Can't believe it's that close. I can barely wrap my head around the thoughts of Lindsey graduating and going off to college!


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