Another Bucket List Check!
Summer's End Half Marathon September 24th, 2022
I finally signed up to run a half marathon! It was the Summer's End Half Marathon. Having friends to run it with makes a huge difference for me. I struggle doing something for the first time on my own. Just not knowing what to expect makes me anxious. I ran the Ragnar Rainier relay (another bucket list item checked off) with these girls so I appreciated their encouragement from the relay to the marathon.
When they asked if this is your first time running a half marathon. Haha, can't believe I ran my first one at 40. I should have done this years ago. Just didn't have enough faith in myself to do it.
And we're off! Jess and I ran the beginning of it together until she couldn't keep the pace anymore.
The photographer on the trail got this shot of me. I look like I'm walking but I'm not! I just try to run with my feet closer to the ground to use less energy and bounce in my step so he clicked at the time that looks like both of my feet are on the ground but my front heel isn't quite. ;)
My goal was to be able to run the entire half marathon without any stopping to rest or walk.
I ran 10 miles four days before just to see how I'd feel. I realized I could pick up my pace for the race.
And that's what I did.
Finishing at 2 hours 2 minutes and 19 seconds. Wonder if I could have done it in 2 hours had I pushed harder. But I am NOT disappointed at all! My first half marathon at the age of 40 and I didn't stop once during the race.
Such a good feeling knowing I crossed this line with no regrets and only good feelings of accomplishment.
Another checkmark on my bucket list this year!
Jaime knows I like to have his support and this time he really showed it by evening signing up to run the 5K! The day was perfect for a run. No wind, not cold but cool enough to not feel too hot while running, no clouds, and a beautiful view of the Columbia River as the race ran on the pathway along side the river!
We both had good times. I think it's awesome we both placed 7th in our Age division. I placed 58th over all in the half (not bad!) and 27th out of the women who ran the half, and 7th in my age division.

So glad it's done and so glad I felt good while running! I'm even more glad that I pushed myself to try something I knew would be hard. Just like the Ragnar Rainier Relay, it was hard! I'm grateful for my strength and endurance and health that allows me to train and do physical things that I want to do.
So thankful for these girls. Having someone to look for at the start and finish was good.
A fun medal
My chip timer results and my time/splits from my Apple Watch. Not bad at all. :)
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