Celebrating Life

After the service everyone met at Uncle Franks lake house for a luncheon. It was very generous of their family to host us all. They did the same after Grandma's funeral. 

Uncle Dave has a hard time getting around anymore. He wanted to go be with everyone so Frank offered to drive Dave down the steep driveway on his 4-wheeler. It was still very hard on Dave but he enjoyed visiting with everyone. I loved seeing Frank do what he could to help and care for Dave. 

It wasn't super warm so the kids didn't swim and play in the water and no one got boat rides. The kids enjoyed talking and being on the dock anyway. 

Jaime and I enjoyed visit with my cousins and aunts and uncles. It is sad that this is what brings us together. Many of them, the last time I saw them was at Grandma's funeral. 

Everyone gathering the way they do really is a wonderful tribute to Grandma and Grandpa. Everyone loved them so much and wanted to pay respects and be at the funeral services. They were such loving and caring people. I will miss them so much. I am happy to know that Grandpa no longer suffers from his weakened and frail state but is happily with Grandma. It will be difficult going to mom and dad's house and not seeing Grandpa there anymore. It'll be hardest on Mom. Caring for Grandpa was the majority of her day. She will miss him so much. She will be blessed for the years she spent serving her parents the way she did. It's not time for her to spend her time with Dad and enjoy their retirement together. 


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