Happy Birthday Aidan

Today we celebrated Aidan's birthday with his Morales and Naylor Grandparents and Aunt Mel. Darin had already been taken to the airport this morning. I invited the others over for dinner. Aidan requested Zuppa Tuscana soup with salad and breadsticks. Since Grandpa Noble is no longer with Mom and Dad it was easy for them to come over and have dinner and join everyone. 

This card from Aunt Mel is the best. He opens it and keeps pulling the top tab and it plays the music "tequila" but instead of shouting "Tequila!" it shouts "Tacos!" 😂 Right up our alley!

Video games from Bel and Chris and Marcus, Aide, and Liandrew

We got him the Marvel version of Splendor,

and ear phones, 

and legos. His grandparents all gave him either a gift card or money into his savings account. 

Happy Birthday AIDAN!

I think his choco brownie extreme blizzard cake was worth the wait for him. 

After dinner Lindsey and Mom played the piano a little bit. Enjoying some time before she heads of to BYUI. 



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