Can't Forget to Celebrate

 Having your birthday on the weekend we had funeral services kinda sets the celebrating on the back burner. However, Aidan is blessed with an easy going personality. He understood that even though we couldn't celebrate him today, he wasn't forgotten. Many family members were good to wish him a happy birthday and even sing to him a couple times through the day. 😀

After we got home from Sandpoint, we made açaí bowls for a celebratory snack. 

Lindsey was so sweet to go get Aidan his favorite cookie from Crumbl, brownie batter. It made for a great "cake" to put a candle in and sing to him. Aidan has grown so much this year that tI actually feel like him turning 14 fits him. 

We played one of his favorite games, Century. Darin was still at our house so he joined in. We enjoyed having Darin here with us this weekend. I loved having some time to talk with him and catch up. 


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