Quick Dash to the Temple

Our entire family of 6 has never been to the temple together. Tyler was old enough to go when Covid hit and the temples were shut down. It was a long time till they were open and when they did open we just never had the thought to take all the kids together. Usually I just think that the kids can do temple baptisms with the youth of the ward for mutual trips. The thought came to Jaime and I that we should go with all the kids. Somehow stars aligned to make it work. Olivia didn't have a game on Thursday so she could leave Wednesday's practice 15 minutes early. We picked her up at 4:45, she changed in the car on the way to the temple. We met my parents there just after 5pm. We were able to get in to the temple and enjoy our time there. Being together. Doing baptisms and confirmations for the dead. When we were all done we were able to sit down on a bench together. Being in that font room, looking at a picture of Jesus Christ while sitting there with my family felt so good. 

I was so grateful to be there with all of my kids and my husband. 

Mom took our picture for us then we headed off to the next parts of our day. We were in and out of the temple in less than an hour. lol. Lindsey, Olivia, and Aidan headed home and Jaime and I took Tyler to football practice. Then we helped Lindsey pack up the rest of her stuff and load it all into the car so it'd be ready to leave on Thursday. Jaime left to pick up Tyler from practice and came home with ice cream. He loves to do something special to help lighten everyone's mood. With tonight being Lindsey's last night home he wanted to lift everyone's spirits. I love him for it. 

I love my family. I've been blessed with such great children. They don't argue or fight very often. They get along great and have strong sibling bonds. I am excited to see what they do in their adult lives but it still doesn't make it easier to be taking Lindsey to start that chapter. 
Feeling truly grateful for eternal families tonight. 



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