Next Stop, Portland

On Friday we left Roseburg to head to Portland to see Uncle Dave, Aunt Chris, Jessica, Tony, and Jazmine. On our way there we stopped in Eugene to have lunch and visit with Chad and Megan and their family. They moved from Pasco a while back and we've missed them so we couldn't pass by and not say hi!

Chad had left for work already so he's not in the pic and Jaime was kind enough to take it for us. 

Ad and Olivia. These peas have missed being in a pod and playing any chance they could. 
After our farewell we headed on up to Portland. 

Jess had been recovering from being sick (she worked herself so hard the week before at the reunion I think it caused her to drain out and catch something). She was too kind to still make us dinner even though we said we'd bring it. We had planned on staying the night and going to the zoo with them Saturday and heading home Sunday in time to be home with time to change and make it to church at 2:30. We decided to head home Friday night instead to let her rest.

So after dinner the kids swam while the rest of us sat outside and visited.

We stayed till dark!

Aidan got out of the pool and helped this little guy forever! He was so sweet to just pet him. The dog got to where he wanted to just lay in Aidan's lap and enjoy the cuddles. 

We left Portland about 10 pm and got home at 1:30 am Saturday. I was grateful everyone slept in that morning! They all said it was an awesome trip. 
Kids had fun + we had fun + minimal cost vacation = Mission accomplished!


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