On To Lynnwood

On July 8 after we left the park with Potters we headed to Lynwood. We went via ferry. It was the kids' first time riding on one.They were pretty impressed. :)

Slightly windy

When we went to Disneyland Tyler said he didn't want to build a bear because he didn't know how. He just didn't fully understand what the store Build-A-Bear was. After the kids got theirs he thought they were pretty neat so when we hit the Alderwood mall we let Tyler build a bear...actually he picked a dinosaur.

We made a quick stop to the American Girl store. No purchases made this day although the girls scoped out what they'd like next from there. (We had plans to go back the next day but didn't tell the girls.)

That evening the kids swam and soaked in the hot tub at the hotel. Jaime didn't there was a pool there so we didn't pack bathing suits. Our kids were all pretty sneaky and pack their own without me knowing. hehehe I'm glad they did and so were they! You know my kids and pools...

July 9
We surprised the girls by having a luncheon scheduled at the American Girl Bistro. They had taken their dolls on our trip not knowing they'd get to have them join us for lunch!
Lindsey and her doll Saige. They doll chairs are cute so they can sit with them at the table.

Olivia and Molly. The boys were asked if they wanted a boy doll but they both declined. Tyler wasn't too happy to eat there. He kept saying it was for girls. It wasn't long till other families came and had their sons and fathers there too. That seemed to help Tyler be ok in a pink restaurant. :) We were almost done with our lunch when Tyler said he'd like a boy doll to sit with him. Sorry kid! Missed out. Silly boys. I think exhaustion was just setting in.

Towards the end of our lunch Tyler had been ok with being there and as we walked in to the store to let the girls shop Tyler asked for a picture with Grace. (The doll of 2015.) We spent a bit more time shopping for school clothes before heading home...but not without stops on the way!

We stopped at Snoqualmie Falls. 

Such beauty...oh the water fall is too. :) 
It was so hot outside that our hike was a short one before kids were ready to go.

Next stop was the outlet mall for more school shopping. Then we picked up lunch at Subway and drove to Lake Kachess. Jaime and his family and relatives camped here ALOT when he was younger. He enjoyed showing us around and telling us stories of things they did when camping there. He showed us sites they had camped in. And the lake where they had taken their boat many times to ski. 

I started a game for the kids to do. I'd through a large stick out in the lake and the kids would try to see if they could hit it. We stayed there till almost dark and then headed for the longest part of the drive...home. We didn't get home till nearly midnight. Kids were exhausted and went straight to bed. It was a good trip they said and they asked when we could go again. :) Whenever they say something like that you KNOW it's a good trip. 


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