Our Month of June

June really got away from me. I have lots to post in our past activities and trips!

Once school is out everyone enjoys being able to roll out of bed and drag blankets to the couch to lay and watch cartoons while still in pajamas. Yes, I actually like that too. :)

Starting June 15 Olivia attended a gymnastics camp that I won for free on Facebook. She really enjoyed it. 

Climbing the rope!

On June 17 I took the kids to the Rollarena to go roller skating and blading. I joined in as well. I loved rollerblading when I was a kid. I can do alright but with less pliable bones I'm a little more cautious. Hahaha

It took Aidan and Tyler a while to learn to skate before they could get away from the wall. Once they realized how to skate they never went back to cling to the rail around the arena. 

There were some games to participate in occasionally. Tyler and I won one game. He was so excited! We got tickets to get something from the counter to "buy."

After skating we went across the street for some ice cream at Baskin Robbins. 

It was such a hot day that it seemed like a perfect treat. 

While Jaime didn't get very much time off work this summer we do enjoy having him home when he can. 

On June 26 we went to have a swim and BBQ with Grandpa Noble and Aunt Mel while my parents were out of town. We went a lot actually to help Aunt Mel and Grandpa and give them company since mom and dad were gone for two weeks. 

Grandpa enjoyed helping Jaime. 

Jaime and the boys mowed the lawn. 

Lori and Stuart came also. I thought it was sweet that they just started weeding the strawberry patch. 

Olivia brought her friend Emily for the day. They liked swimming in the dark. 

Being silly. See in the top right corner is Jupiter and Venus. A few days later they were lined up looking like one giant star which they call "the star of Bethlehem ."
We learned a lot about this conjunction when we went to the planetarium on June 27. I got free tickets for this as well. (Thank you Facebook!)
It was a great learning experience for all of us. 
And a good place to stay cool in the 108 degree heat we were having!

Tyler asks me to take pictures of his giant chips!!

June 29
More swimming!

The last week of July/beginning August the girls did a volleyball camp. They loved it! I'm so glad. I want them to be active doing something they enjoy. They already asked to do the camp next summer. 

On July 3 we drove to Grandview to pick up Grandpa so Aunt Mel could head home to Oregon. We took Grandpa out to lunch at Bob's. Then I dropped off the rest of the family and Grandpa and I headed to the airport. 
We surprised mom and dad by bringing Grandpa to the airport. He was so excited to see them! He missed mom so much. I love the excitement and joy on his face. 

My boys. :) yep still wearing fleece footies in the middle of the summer. Most nights Aidan will take them off after he's in bed. Hahaha

Then July hit. It's generally our busiest month of traveling but this year we didn't go far and our trips were all a bit shorter than we'd like. :)


  1. I love Grandpa's face. You can tell he was so excited to have mom home.


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