Our Visit to Roseburg, OR

Jaime has never been to my Aunt Mel's house. We went to Roseburg last year however Mel and Tim were on their mission! We stayed with Jared and Michelle last year so this year we decided it'd be fun to stay at Mel and Tim's. My cousin Amy and her kids were there visiting for the week also. When it comes to family, the more the merrier! 

So, on our drive down we stopped at the obvious...

Burgerville. 😉 Lindsey has developed a real love for the place. Especially their Walla Walla sweet onion rings. You won't taste any the same any where else! They don't taste like onions. Lol

The kids had a blast dressing up and being goofy. 

One evening was spent having a delicious dinner at Jared and Michelle's. 

Kids will spread out with toys anywhere!

Boys having ice cream. This is what summer is about. Playing outside with cousins and friends and enjoying cooling off with ice creams or Popsicles!


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