What Goes on In Between Trips

I love it when they all include one another and play so well after they've been gone from home for a while. 

We all hiked Badger Mountain one Monday evening. Olivia was the only one who wasn't sure she could make it up but once she was on top she realized it wasn't as bad as she thought. Aidan and Tyler were talking the entire time about being healthy and that hiking was good exercise. They'd been wanting to hike Badger for some time now. 

To keep the kids being productive throughout the summer I made a list of things they could do to earn Pom Poms to fill a jar. Some things on the list were to clean a bathroom, water flowers, get dressed and brush teeth and make bed all without being told, read, work on the summer library program, etc. Each time they fill the jar we'd do something fun. 

Olivia and Aidan cleaning a bathroom. 

The first activity we did after the jar was full was go see the movie "Inside Out."

The second time the jar was filled we took the kids to My Fro Yo. 

Not once have I heard from the kids that they were bored this summer!! Win!!


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