Our Trip to Port Orchard

With having a big trip in November to Disneyland and such we didn't plan any giant expensive trip this summer and with Jaime opening a new building this fall he really didn't get his usual month of July off. Just a few days here and there. We still wanted to have some fun trips but keep them close. So...off to visit the Potters!!
We've missed them so much and it felt like it hadn't been that long when we actually saw them. They were so welcoming and excited to see us that we just stepped right in to being friends like we saw them not too long ago. :) It was great to catch up and see their beautiful growing family. 

Oh my goodness they had so much fun dressing up and playing. Tyler voluntarily wore the fancy dresses. He will hate this later I'm sure. 😆 But look how cute he is!

Ben and Corinne took us all in their new van to go see some sights! 14 people in their van singing fun camp songs. My kids still sing them at home now. Hahaha I loved the ride just hearing all the kids playing, laughing and singing. (Eliza wasn't in the carseat yet. I got to sit next to her. I could have taken that cutie home with me.)

We went to the park by the water. It was such a fun twirly park!

Kids had an FHE lesson and ice cream. 

Ben told us all about the naval base. These air craft carriers are enormous. It'd be cool to go on/in one. 

July 7 we took everyone to lunch at Noah's Ark. Good food!

They're posing with a gorilla and elephant. Tyler was too enthralled with playing with the gorilla to turn for the camera. 

After lunch Jaime and I and our kids headed to Paulsbo. My cousin Katrina was injured and in too much pain to meet up with us like planned but she told us places to go check out. 

Olivia said it was stinky. Yes, it is. 😕

We walked along the docks before going to dinner. 

We met up with my cousin Andrew at Grub Hut. Then we followed him to see his office building then to his house. 

It was good go visit with Andrew and Katrina. Even though she way in pain she was so happy and bubbly still! The kids played well the entire time. 
We would like to go again some time when she's feeling better and Andrew doesn't need to work. 

July 8
Girls playing together on the piano 😊 
Before we left Potters we were able to get Ben to meet us for lunch in Bremerton. He's so busy with work that we didn't think it'd happen but he made it!!

Kids on conveyor belts!
We went to the best park I've ever seen. Soft cushy green astro turf and tons of fun spinning, swinging and rocking toys. 

Olivia, Karilee, Lindsey, Lucy (I think that's Eliza in the back?)

They're waiting for Ben to spin it! 

Ben picked up pizza for lunch! Yummy!

It was still hard to leave and say goodbye after lunch. I hope it's not too long till we get together again. Maybe we need to meet in the middle for a camping trip!


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