McClintock Stem Elementary

Wednesday evening the We ice shaved ice truck parked in Jaime's new school parking lot for a fund raiser for the PTO. A percentage of the sales went to the school's PTO. We went to support and enjoy some cold deliciousness. 
After we finished eating Jaime gave us a tour around the new school. It's a beautiful school. 

Go McClintock STEM Owls!! (I'm a fan of the yellow and gray. Jaime did a good job picking these details don't you think? Colors, mascot, logo.)
There have been so many major changes thrown at Jaime to deal with in the process of this school getting here. I can think of about 6 pretty big ones off the top of my head and I know there's been dozens of small hiccups. He's been amazing at dealing with it all. It's definitely been a very stressful year. He's looking forward to kids being in the school and the school year getting started. This past month he really hasn't been himself. When he gets home he's still working. If not physically doing stuff for work I can tell it's on his mind. There have been a couple times that he's sat down at the table for dinner and kind of just sat there waiting for me to get everything finalized and on the table. That's not like him. Generally he helps get the last minute things on the table like milk, etc. It's ok. I know he doesn't mean to and sometimes when he does just sit like that it's only for a bit then he realizes there's still more to do so he will get up and help. It just shows me that he's got a lot on his mind. I'm not sure when things will be really settled. He helped the start up of the new Franklin Stem Elementary last year and it was crazy and stressful then. He was just being kind to help! It wasn't even part of his job. So I kind of have an idea of how he will be for the next month or so. Last year gave me a good glimpse but this could be a bit more stressful since it's the school he is principal at and he's responsible for everything. I have no doubt he will do an amazing job. He's moved up the ladder so quickly in this district and they love him because he's good at what he does. He wouldn't have been asked to take this position if they didn't know he was perfect for it. 


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