Oregon Coast Trip 2015

The kids made the annual trip to the Oregon Coast this year. With their grandparents only...we didn't go for even a couple days this year. With Jaime's new school getting ready to open he's been swamped with work and couldn't take any time off. The kids didn't complain though! Or Jaime's parents. They were all looking forward to it.

The morning the headed out!

The boys wanted to help Grandpa hook the trailer up to the truck but he had them stand back. I'm sure it won't be long till they are right there helping him.

They stopped for lunch at Burgerville. 

I love Olivia's face. Kind of says, "Whazzup, I'm enjoying my Tillamook cheeseburger!" :P

The Walla Walla sweet onion rings are Lindsey's favorite. I believe she had this picture taken just to make Jaime and I drool.

Biking and walking Storm are regular activities while camping at Fort Steven's.

They had one day of rain so they stayed inside for most of the rainfall playing chess and...

army guys! Diana told me they did so well playing together. 

They spent 4 days at the beach. They had such warm weather...well warm for the west coast. :)

Aidan digging in the sand.

Flying kites! Tyler would just run and run and run pulling his kite around. I asked if he fell asleep fast at night. Diana said he was always the first one out, and fast! The kid burns off so much energy being outside all day. He never stops!

I was surprised to see Aidan in the water so much! The kid hates being cold and we all know that water is NOT warm by any degree. But look how happy he is! He was having the time of his life. 

Out sightseeing

They rode on a trolley. The driver let the kids get up and ring the trolley bell.

Olivia and Macy taking selfies! This trip is always a good time for the second cousins to get to hang out and get to know each other. 

Lindsey, Olivia, and Mia out in the water. I was surprised to see all of my kids in the water so much! They even did a bit of body boarding too they said. 

Tyler and Aidan in the water.

What is is Hawaii?! Look how many are out in the water! Brrrr

Other than playing at the beach and riding bikes they did some shopping, and sightseeing. They didn't go to Tillamook Cheese factory or the air museum this year. All the kids have been before so I think this year they kept the traveling down a bit since they didn't have any other adults. It's the first time that none of us; Jaime and me, Bel and Chris, and Marcus, were there to be around to help. I was worried it'd be too much work or too stressful for Martin and Diana but they said it was great! 

So what did Jaime and I do for 10 days without kids? Well, Jaime worked regularly. I spent the first day and a half cleaning my house!!! That way I could enjoy the house being all clean and constantly picked up and free of clutter for the rest of the week. May sound silly I know but it's something that makes me happy. 

I also was able to get workouts in, do some sewing, of course some shopping, watch a movie here and there, did a bit of canning, visit some friends and hold new born babies, and just had time to myself. When Jaime was home we went out for dinner a couple times. Had a couple group dates planned. One fell through because my friend got sick that evening. He informed us after we were already at the restaurant but we went ahead and enjoyed a great dinner.

We went miniature golfing with Sarah and Brandon and afterwards they came over for dessert and visiting. 

Jaime and I went to Seattle one day to do some shopping and pick Marcus up from the airport. We shopped for Jaime's new school wardrobe and ate a delicious lunch at the Cheesecake factory before getting Marcus. 

The kids had a wonderful time. I mean they came home with lots of new souvenirs, toys, salt water taffy, and clothes so of course they were having a good time.  They weren't ready to come home yet, either were the grandparents. All six of them said they would have liked to stay another day.

The kids were good to kneel and have family prayer every night. They said that sometimes grandma and grandpa did it with them if they were in the trailer at the time. On Sunday they watched the Living Scripture movies. Jaime's parents are good at respecting that we don't want them taking the kids out to eat or shopping on Sunday which we really appreciate. Diana says they'll come back to church some day. I don't know when that'll be but my kids are helping to set a good example for them. I told them they're little missionaries. 


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