Earl and Hazel Noble Family Reunion 2015

The reunion was held at my parents house this year. It was perfect hot swimming weather so that's what everyone did pretty much all day. 

Amy brought a game for the kids. It was a giant ball of tape with candy and prizes in it. The kids would take turns rolling dice until they got doubles while the person next to them pulled the tape revealing prizes that they'd grab as they came open under layers of tape. Once the doubles were rolled the ball and dive we passed on to the next person in the circle. They all had a lot of fun. 

Yep, that's a giant ball of tape wrapped around candy and toys. Lol

Since Chris and Jess were in the kitchen most the time. I'd go in to help when I could. I tell you, these women know how to work!!

Snack and lunch breaks were made in between swimming sessions. LOL

Adults would sit under the canopy to watch those who were swimming. 

Evenings were down times to visit. It was a good gathering to just freshen up relationships and see some we hadn't seen in a while. It was a laid back, no pressured schedule reunion. 😄 It was kind of how I remembered our reunions when I was a kid. Just run around with cousins playing and eating. Oh and of course the traditional family talent show. Wow, we haven't had one of those in YEARS!! Not sure I could get my kids to do something like that anyway. 

Love my family and whenever we can get together. :)


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