A Day in Logan

A quiet lazy morning watching a movie. I like seeing everyone gathered together like this. 

Grandpa and Ezra

Emma, Emily, Henry

Darin and Aidan...dozing off.

We had a beautiful trip to the temple. [Notice the mortar like the tabernacle. ;)]

Thank you Darin, Mom and Dad for going with us. It really wouldn't have been the same. 
Thank you to Christy who watched Olivia and the boys with her two girls at the park while Darin was with us in the temple. 
After the temple we went to lunch, said goodbye to Mom and Dad and we went off to play.

Rock climbing! We all really enjoyed it...a lot! Better than I thought I'd like it. 

Look at Tyler's little muscles in his legs. hehehe They all took to climbing pretty easily.

Lindsey is a monkey, takes after me. She loves to climb trees just like I did as a kid, and now she likes rock climbing. 

Working my way up.

Made it to the top

We used auto belays. It was pretty fun coming back down. 

Aidan isn't using the auto belay here. Darin is certified to belay so he belayed Aidan, Tyler, and me at different times. Climbing is actually easier with a person doing the belay rather than the auto. If I slip or try to climb from one rock to another but let go a bit, I start to fall with the auto because it doesn't hold you up. When Darin is on the other end of the rope he holds me still so I don't drop some, I stay where I'm at which makes it easier to get to the next step. 

Lindsey made it up!

Tyler being belayed by 

Olivia needed to gather some courage to go clear to the top. She would go up half way then come down. She did however, eventually get to the top. And like always, it wasn't as scary as she thought it'd be. 

Now...if only a place like this would open up in the Tri-Cities. All that's around here is in fitness clubs and the don't have auto belays and only they can belay you. This place was easy going and had lots of places to climb. 

Smores in the evening was our end of the day activity.


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