Summer Vacay

 We've started our big summer vacation. We headed to Boise July 10th. Mom and Dad also stopped in Boise. We are sharing a two room suite with them. Emily got here later. Her and the kids came up to our hotel room to visit for a while. 
We had a lot of fun talking and joking around. We sent this picture to Lori and Elizabeth to let them know we were having a good time and missed them. 

The kids killing time with video games until bed time. 

Monday morning we got up and headed to Pocatello to visit my Grandma Naylor. She is happy to see us come but sometimes it's hard to keep a conversation going with her. She has a hard time hearing some a lot of what I say she doesn't hear. It helps to go with other family just so there's more to say. 

 Group photo.

I got a hand it to my kids. They always give their great grandparents hugs even when they don't really know them. They understand they're family. I think that's what matters most. Tyler was so sweet to go and give his great grandma a hug goodbye. 

Then off we went to Bear Lake!


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