Visitors from Indy

Yay Brian and Summer and kids made it from Indiana! We don't seem them enough. I am impressed with all their cross country driving. I don't have a desire to do that. hahaha

Brian still likes taking selfies. ;)

 Olivia loves to babysit so she was all about holding Henry. It helped that Lindsey was gone on the trek also. Otherwise they both can hardly wait for their turn to hold a baby.

Maybrie, Olivia, Henry

 Lots of baby cousin snuggles. Tyler adores all babies so he was just as excited to hold this little peanut as Olivia was. 

Night time reading. Lindsey read books to Thomas, Ezra, Aidan, and Tyler. What a bunch of cuties sitting there all wrapped up in the story. 

Summer with cousins isn't complete without pool time.

Maybrie, Brian, Ezra

I like the laid back nature of just having family over to swim and eat and play and visit. It's one of my favorite things about summer time. 


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