Fun Week Back at Home

We're back home and missing Bear Lake. No one was really ready to come home. I'm surprised both Jaime and I weren't ready to come home yet. We had so much fun and wanted a few more days there. But now we're back home and enjoying our summer days at home with friends.

Wednesday July 20th
The kids spent swimming in our little inflatable pool and running through the sprinkler. 

I like this shot I got of Tyler.

They were done swimming as the evening was approaching and to dry off began running around the yard with towels like capes.

It's the complete feel of running and laughing outside in bathing suits. 

It was really fun to watch out the window as they played make believe. Emily is the one with the entire head taller than my kids. hahaha

Friday July 22nd
We were getting ready to go out and surprise the kids with something fun when we saw the kids outside walking in the pool. Because Jaime didn't want to wait for them to dry off to get in the car...

He used his leaf blower to dry their legs off. I wouldn't be surprised if they ask for the blower to dry themselves off with again some other time. They thought it was hilarious. 
So when they are all dried off they hopped in the car and we headed off to play mini golf!

It's the first time any of them had ever mini golfed before.

Saturday July 23rd
We went boating with Christensens

Ren, Aidan, Tyler
 Little buddies. They just chatter and talk constantly.

They each took turns on the tube. The girls got some good air over the wake! At one point the tube cover ripped off the tube. Daphne was stranded in the water as Lindsey and Olivia still hung on to the tube handles and so were able to stay connected to the boat. We pulled them back into the boat. Justin drove the boat over to Daphne. Poor dear was a bit traumatized and worked up over the entire incident. No one was hurt thank goodness. Other than the tube breaking we had a fun time visiting and going for a ride. At one point we stopped for the kids to swim in the water. It was fun but I can't help but laugh that we have yet to go boating with Christensens without some incident occurring. :)

Sunday July 24th
We went to Grandview to celebrate Jaime's Grandpa Morales' 87th birthday. He speaks in Spanish most of the time now. Aidan and Tyler sang Happy Birthday to him in Spanish. He was pretty impressed with their singing and their Spanish. He kept calling them "quates" (twins). He asked them to sing again after they finished. I love that both Aidan and Tyler aren't afraid to stand up and perform in front of others. 

Chris holding up the piñata for Grandpa to hit.

He got a few good walks in then Chris hung up in the tree for the kids to try and break. Through all the kids that were there, they couldn't break the piñata. Chris finally had to step in and literally beat the thing so the kids could get the candy inside. It was a well built piñata!

Oscar, Dora, Daniel, Mimi, Ruben, Janie, Marty with their parents
Grandpa Apolinar (AC) and Grandma Lenor Morales

He's looking pretty good! I saved this photo from one of Jaime's cousins who posted it on Facebook for his birthday.  I really liked this picture of him. 


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