Camping at Lake Kachess

We've been wanting to take the kids camping this summer. This week was the only week we could get it in before Jaime headed back to work for the 2016-2017 school year. Monday July 25th we packed up the van, and when I say packed I mean PACKED! Having to take everything from home that you will need to live out in the open takes up a lot of space. Camping really is work. It's not like take a trip anywhere else where you only need to pack clothes and any other things you'll need. Camping we had to make sure we had all the dishes and utensils and soap and towels, lights, bedding, games, food, etc. Yeah you get the idea. It's a lot of work to go act like you're homeless. hahaha
However, we were all looking forward to spending time camping together. 

I will say that it is a very beautiful place to go and live without a house. 

The first evening there we just played along the lake. Kids didn't really get wet. It was cooling down and I knew they'd be freezing cold without a hot sun up in the sky. I think they knew it too because they didn't ask to swim.

Jaime great up camping out here. He was happy to be back. Ever since we got married he's been wanting to take me camping here as well.

 Aidan liked hunting for rocks with cracks so he could break them apart and make rock puzzles. Many rocks were already broken apart and he could find the pieces near by so he would put them together. He's always liked puzzles. Glad he can find something to entertain him outside without needing something from home. 

Dinner time!

 After dinner exploring
There was a creek behind our campsite just down the hill. That's why we picked the site so that we could hear the water running as we were going to sleep in our tent. I'm glad my kids are now at a stage where they're old enough that I didn't have to worry about them wandering down to the water like when they were toddlers. I knew they'd be alright playing down there. 

I found Aidan and Tyler sitting together watching the water as they visited. They're so adorable.

Campfire time
As it got late Tyler was ready to go to bed. I said I'd go to bed with him so he wasn't alone in the tent. We fell asleep fairly quickly. I vaguely remember waking up hearing Olivia say "Are you ok Dad?" But then I fell back asleep. It wasn't till the morning that I found out what happened. Somehow Jaime tripped on a rock around the fire and fell. As he fell he hit the small table that had the smores fixings and citronella candle on it. When the table fell everything else fell. He was covered in wax from the candle. He wasn't hurt thankfully but hearing the story being told by the kids is hilarious. They say he fell and rolled through the fire. His mom is kind of clumsy and falls quite a bit so it's fun to tease Jaime that he gets it from his mom. 

Tuesday July 26th 

Tuesday was a warm day so we spent it on the beach. Rocky beach but it was on the water. Lake water is cold no matter what time of year it is. The kids spent most of the day in the water just up to their legs. It took a long time till they finally got all the way in. I don't blame them, I didn't get in at all. It was just too cold for me. hahaha

The played on the beach most of the time. It was warm if you were dry. 

Lindsey is my little explorer. She couldn't be kept from hiking around the campsite checking things out. She's good at helping now as she's getting older. I don't like camping with really little kids. It's just so much more work. Now with Lindsey being older she helps keep an eye on the younger ones.

Grandma and Grandpa Morales wanted to go camping with us so bad but they had to work. Jaime and I weren't surprise to get a message from them that they were on their way up after work. We didn't tell the kids though. They were so surprised to see Grandpa's truck drive up. 

After dinner we all loaded into the truck to drive around and look at different campsites for another time to stay. Jaime's parents love to drive around making notes on what sites are good. 

We stopped at another beach area on the lake. This was is a little less rocky. It was too cold to get in the water though. We just walked around enjoying the view and talking. 

Playing games before Grandma and Grandpa had to leave. If they didn't have to work the next day they would have loved to stay the night. 

Wednesday July 27th
More Uno before all of camp is torn down. 

After everything was put away and packed and loaded up. The kids would have been happy to stay another night. Tyler, as you can see, didn't want to go. 


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