Fourth of July festivities

Happy Fourth of July!

Got our glow sticks/orbs and seats set up in the back of the van to watch fireworks. 

We've got Olivia, Maybrie, and Lindsey watching from outside the stadium where it's not as loud. Brian and Summer and the rest of their kids and my boys went with Justin and Jessica and their family to the stadium to watch in the noise. We had Uncle Dick and Aunt Corinne come and sit with us as well.

The next morning we went to watch a free movie at the theater. In case I haven't mentioned it before in my journaling, our neighbors, Justin and Jessica Christensen are related to Brian and Summer. Summer and Jessica are sisters. So Summer and Brian's kids are cousins to Justin and Jessica's kids. Brian and Summer's kids are cousins to my kids. So we aren't technically related to the Christensens but we say we're kind of cousins. :) So it works out for Brian and Summer to visit both their sisters and families because Jessica and I live next door to each other. It's pretty fun. :)

Ren, Aidan, Lindsey, Naomi, Thomas, Daphne, Olivia, Ezra, Maybrie
Tyler is MIA (bathroom?) and Henry was being held. 


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