We had a fun game of kickball tonight. I like that it's not super competitive with the kids, especially the littler ones. It was more about just playing with everyone and having fun. 

While discussing what everyone's plans for tomorrow were I felt pretty down that no one else was going to the Logan temple for baptisms with Jaime, Lindsey, Darin, and me. I was kind of irked because it was Dad's idea to go to the temple as a family and do baptisms. At the time he brought it up months ago he mentioned that Lindsey would be 12 (this was before she was 12 that he came up with the idea to go to the temple). Everyone thought that'd be fun to be able to go and do that then. At least that's what I thought. However Mom and Dad changed their minds  just before the reunion about going because they didn't want to drive their truck to Logan. They couldn't ride with use because we were planning on staying after the temple to do something with Darin's family. Months ago others talked about doing stuff in Logan as well but now for some reason no one wanted to go. Lindsey cried that her grandparents weren't going to go to the temple with her. My heart ached that after her first temple trip ended in tears for her (due to a mistake by the bishop she didn't get to be baptized for her great grandma Palacios) and now she was sad about her second temple trip and it wasn't going to be the wonderful experience with family she was expecting. She had asked me, "Can't you just tell Grandpa that it'll be so much better if they just go too?" What a sweet innocent question. I told her they just didn't see it that way and other things were in the way for them like having to pay for gas to drive that far and worried they wouldn't get to say goodbye to Brian before he left Idaho so they wanted to stay and see them off. So of course I cried about this as we were talking about it and that no one said they were going. I felt so stupid. Then Dad came up to me and said that he and Mom would go to the temple after all, that it was what they wanted to do. I told him it would be ok, they didn't need to go. But of course he wouldn't have that and said they'd go. I don't know what others said or thought but I couldn't help but think that they thought I just cried to get my way. Which wasn't the case at all. I wouldn't have probably even mentioned to Lindsey about going to the Logan temple if Dad hadn't said it months ago in front of her! I wasn't trying to guilt them in to going, which is what happened I'm sure. So I'm hoping that even though they don't really want to go they will have a good time attending the temple with their granddaughter.

So, on to something a bit happier...One of the best parts about having everyone together is our late night time with just the adults. I enjoy laughing with my siblings. I'm grateful for the relationships I have with each of them. Tonight was hilarious. I have some pretty cool brothers. Brian, being in dental school, brought some lip retractors. Both he and Darin wore them and tried talking, eating, and drinking with them in. We were laughing so hard!!
Darin was feeding Brian licorice in this picture. You don't realize how much you use your lips for talking and eating until you can't use them. hahaha


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