Day Out With Thomas!

Friday July 13, 2012

Are you superstitious and worry bad things will happen on Friday the 13th?
Well we decided to plan something very fun and exciting for our kids.

We told them we were going somewhere as a surprise for them. 
It was hard for them to take this drive and not know where we were going. 
We put on the movie Day of the Diesels for them to watch. They enjoy watching Thomas the Train
movies and this is a fairly new one they'd only seen once when we rented it months ago.

We got to Snoqualmie Middle School and parked then got on to a school bus.
Kids were a bit confused. Lindsey thought it was going to be a boring surprise. :)

As the bus arrived to our distention 3 minutes later the kids saw THOMAS the TRAIN!
Their expressions were great. They were so excited.

On for the train ride.

Tyler enjoyed the train and seeing the water when we got to Snoqualmie Falls.

There were different trains to climb aboard and check out.
The kids were each given a map of the places to go while they were visiting.
If they went to each booth and got it stamped they were able to get a free prize.

Tyler loves ice cream!

the Diesels

the Steamies
(Liv was happy until Lindsey accidentally hurt her arm trying to pull her closer.
She was fine after the picture.)

Model trains

There was  a tent that had lots of train sets for kids to actually be aloud to play with!

Aidan getting a train tattoo. He doesn't look happy here but he really was excited to see 
James the red engine on his arm.

playing with trains...some more.

Kids next to Thomas.

They got to meet Sir Topham Hatt.
Tyler was content just to wave to him and give a high five. 
He preferred to not be in the picture.

Lindsey, Aidan, Tyler


After we left we stopped in to see Jaime's parents. They were planning on coming with us but their busy work schedules just didn't let them get away.

So the kids got to tell Grandma and Grandpa about their exciting day and play for a while.


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