Family Reunion 2012

             We were supposed to go to Crater Lake earlier in the week but with Jaime having to conduct interviews and a short time frame till our next vacation and just being tired of driving we ended up not going. So we didn't get to stop in and stay at my aunt's. Sorry Mel! But I think it was probably for the best since the boys got sick during the days we would have been gone. It's bad enough cleaning up after sick kids at home and it's worse at some one else's! So a few days after our "would have been Crater Lake trip," we had our family reunion last weekend July 21-23. Our family is getting bigger and we enjoy getting together to have our small reunions. (Does that make sense?) It was smaller than it should have been since my oldest sister and her family didn't make it and my baby brother. They were missed and they missed an awesome weekend!

Saturday we hit the water! Even though it's cold it doesn't ever seem to phase little ones.

Tyler had a BLAST in the water. He acted like the water was 90 degrees!

Lunch on the dock.

Tyler dove right in. 
Jaime had to stay close by and yank that kid to shallower waters.
Who knows how far he'd let himself float out. 

Olivia even went swimming.

Aidan...loved the little boat as much as the big boat.

Jaime took Lindsey for a ride on the jet ski.

Tyler was hesitant to go at first but quickly changed his thinking and thought 
it was a lot of fun.

Olivia, Aidan, Maybrie, and Tyler.
And some dog the kids loved playing with. 

Lori getting ready to speed off!

 It's been over 10 years since I last tried wakeboarding. I got up!
I think I'd like to get better if I went out on the water more. 

The day totally wiped everyone out. We went out after breakfast and got back to the house in time to make dinner and take care of our lobster red skins. Look at those beamin' cheeks on Tyler!

Maybrie, Aidan, Tyler, Olivia hanging out Sunday afternoon.

Sunday we went to church together. I think it's fun when all our family is able to go to church together since we don't get that chance very often.

We had a wonderful birthday dinner for Jon.

Kids "table." Yum...cake.

Aidan and his Great-grandpa.

Aidan and Great-grandma

In the evening we played some quiet games together.
The kids playing...

And the adults playing.

(There are some pictures of the day that I don't have yet that I'll post on here later.)

We enjoyed the slow day and knew Monday was going to be a fun day!


  1. you're so awesome!! i had no idea you have wakeboarded! my fam are huge boaters, so now we have to go out together:)


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