Week-long trip in SLC

Jaime spent June 26-29 in Estes Park, CO for work. 
Here's the Stanley Hotel. It was where The Shining was inspired and shown in the movie 
Dumb and Dumber.
Jaime had a good time visiting it with co-workers.

He got home close to midnight on Friday and on Saturday we did a few things around the house. Around 2:30 we headed to Boise for the night. The kids were so excited to find they had time to go swimming before bed. 



Sunday morning we headed on down to Salt Lake City for our week long excursion of TOURING. That's right. We went simply to see sights and places around town. 

The kids did real good through all the driving. Everyone having their own iPod touches and Nanos plus mine and Jaime's iPad's gave them plenty of movies, games, and educational games and activities to keep them entertained. Tyler likes to do the alphabet tracer on the iPad. At least they're learning something educational as well and learning how to understand and operate electronics right? :)

So the next few posts will be of our week there. 
We rented a house in Sugar House with my parents. The kids were so excited to have a whole week of Grandma and Grandpa to themselves.

Monday July 2, 2012
Monday morning we headed to Temple Square first.

Kids in front of the reflection pool

The Salt Lake Temple is so beautiful.
Jaime and I had talked about going to a session in the temple but it's closed for a month for renovations.
Some of the windows were open and we could see workers inside and hear hammering.

The boys loved the water.

Our family :)

Inside the Assembly Hall

I think we had to take a picture at just about every body of water we saw.
(So prepare yourself for lots of water shots throughout the week here.)

Lindsey loved looking at the exhibits and reading the information.
She soaked in a lot!

Small replica of the inside of the Salt Lake Temple.

The Christ Statue in the visitor center. 
We got to watch a wonderful video that takes us through different rooms and gives a message about life and eternal families. Even the kids enjoyed it. It's one of those videos that makes you put your own life in perspective and feel so grateful for the blessings of the family you have.

After walking around temple square we went across the street to check out
City Creek Center.

 There were fun fountains and water features.

I loved this shot of Liv walking with her hands in her back pockets.

Olivia waiting for lunch...in Grandma's hat.

Aidan waiting for his lunch.

Tyler snacking as he waits for lunch.

I believe this is in the elevator. Yep, they all love elevators and escalators.
Come on, don't we all even though we're not kids? ;)

We went to a few stores...ahem, Disney store 
We had lunch in the food court 
Jaime and my Dad bought new suits from Mr. Mac...pretty sharp. 
I believe Jaime has gotten a new suit every time he's come to Salt Lake.

After all this we hit the grocery store to load up our house with food for the week.
We invited my cousins Curt and his family and Amy and her family over for dinner. It was good to see and visit with them. The kids played real well together.

Then we relaxed a bit and cooled off in the AC of the house while watching "We Bought A Zoo" before FINALLY going to sleep. Even though we're exhausted from the day we seem to have a hard time going to bed at a reasonable time. Hey, that's vacationing right?

Stay tuned for Tuesday!


  1. How absolutely fun!! You guys'll have to make this a tradition, tour somewhere for a week :). And I remember the Mr. Mac store. That's where my brothers got their suits before their missions. I'm excited to see the rest of the vacation :)


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