Independence Day

Wednesday July 4, 2012

Everyone was so tired from Tuesday's events that we slept in on Wednesday. After breakfast we headed back to Temple Square. We took a tour through the Conference Center.

It's all decorated for a program in the evening.

Aahh the water fountain...had to spend time here.

I love this picture of them looking at the water fall from the conference center.

On top of the Conference Center.

I liked learning about the symbolism that was incorporated in the building of the conference center.
Including what was planted on the roof and where it was planted.

The fountain on top of the Conference Center. This fountain is directly above the pulpit.

Tyler loves to see water and play in it. I had to get a picture of him in front of the 
waterfall. He thought it was loud but neat.

We went to see the Beehive House where Prophet Brigham Young lived.
The intricate details all done by hand is amazing.

Sitting on an antique sofa. 

After the tours we went to City Creek for lunch and to a few stores.
The girls wanted a picture at 77 Kids.

Then we went to the Planetarium by taking the "train" through town.

The kids thought it was awesome!

Feeling clouds.

Tyler on the moon.

Tyler on Mars.

Olivia and Lindsey on Mars.

Aidan on the moon.

Train ride home.

Olivia walking with Grandpa back to the parking garage.

Tyler was tuckered out and fell asleep on the way home.

Playing Chicken Foot with Grandma.

Watching fireworks.

I'm so grateful for the country we live in and those who have worked so hard for the things we have and the freedom to choose as we like. 
This week has been a great one to spend with my family. 


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