Tuesday July 3, 2012

We woke up early Tuesday morning to get ready for our next day of WALKING.
We did lots of walking!

We had cereal for a quick breakfast to get out on the road and hit the zoo when it opened.
We're glad we did because when we left the zoo the parking lot was packed.

The cockatoo. Have you seen Rio? His name is Nigel. :)

The kids were climbing on this tiger statue. Just as Jaime was taking the picture they saw something exciting. Just look at their faces! What do you think they see?

This is what they saw, almost directly above Jaime. This big guy was walking along a bridge over the "people" pathway. Makes for eyeing the tiger easier.

See the giraffe?

I think they're amazing animals. 
(The giraffes not the kids. I guess the kids are pretty amazing too huh?)

There were a lot of animal statues. They seem like they may be more fun than the real ones.
Probably because they can touch and climb these animals.



Glad these two aren't ready to leave the nest yet.

The rhino.

Seeing the sea lions.

The bears were running and wrestling around.
Good entertainment for the kids.

Tyler was excited to pet this ferret. 
He thought it was so soft he leaned in for a hug as well.

I wish I got a picture of the gorilla. Actually I wish I got a video of this...My Dad was pushing Tyler in a stroller as we walked in to the monkey house. Tyler didn't see the gorilla until Dad had pushed the stroller right up next to the glass with that giant gorilla just sitting on the other side. When Tyler turned  his head and saw what was literally inches away from him he SCREAMED! He said it was "Scary!"

The train ride.

This giant ball would roll on water. Kids had a good time pushing it around and around.

After the zoo we went to the Church History Museum. On the top floor is the children's museum. 
There was so much for the kids that they could touch and PLAY with.
They had a blast.

Tyler making dinner for the missionaries.

Aidan loved to get the eggs from the chicken coup and crack them in the pan.

Lindsey fishing off the ship.

Aidan helped build Nephi's boat.

Aidan and Olivia steering the boat.

Aidan fishing.

Jaime behind the pulpit replica of the one in the conference center.
Don't get used to seeing him there. I'm not moving to Utah. :)

The kids got to "paint" their own artwork like some in the museum.


  1. Looks like you guys are having a blast! Jaime looks way to comfortable behind that pulpit - watchout!!


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