
After our busy week in Salt Lake we got to have some fun close to home. My Aunt Mel and Uncle Tim and cousin Michelle and her kids from Oregon came to visit for a week. We spent time swimming, hanging out and playing! It was great to see them.

Kids had a blast jumping off the diving board. Even Aidan.

Tyler plays it safe by jumping off the side...over and over and over. 

They came to our place to catch the free movie at the movie theater 
then have lunch with us.

After lunch the girls played all day. Toys and video games. 

During the week we'd go visit family at my parent's or Jaime's parent's house.
It's great having Jaime home for the month of July. We can take off anywhere together as a family.
That's why this month is so crammed full of traveling.

My boys love their Uncle Marcus' new husky dog.
His name is Storm.

Poor dog doesn't get a moment alone when the boys are around.

Lindsey is looking forward to going on the water during our reunion next week.
She's trying on some of her Aunt's old skiing gear.

One day the kids ate lunch in our back yard. It's fun being able to do things out of the normal schedule.
Keeps things exciting I guess. The surprising thing is they actually ate!
Usually the boys are too interested in just being outside.


  1. Oh I love summer fun!! Glad you're making the best of it :). And that is such a pretty dog!


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