The last day

Saturday July 7, 2012

Saturday morning was our last day in SLC so we packed up and then headed out to a couple stores we wanted to check out before we left. Dad had a flat tire caused by a large nut in it so he had to get that fixed before we could leave town. After his car was ready we headed to my Grandma's in Malad, ID for our family reunion.

We stopped to visit my Grandpa's grave.
It's the first time I've been able to see it since the funeral.

He was in the Store Keeper 1 unit of the US Navy 
during World War II.

Aidan and Ben playing baseball at my Grandma's.

Tyler taking a break. It was a hot day!


We sat around and visited and shared family history stories after dinner.

We headed out around 6:30 for Twin Falls to stay the night in a hotel.
(Tyler fell asleep quite often in the car...of course.)

Sunday morning we headed back home. We had a great vacation. The kids loved it and still talk
about it after we've been home just over a week now.


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