Monday July 23, 2012

Everyone was excited to go to Silverwood. We got there at opening time.

Aidan said the Hopper was his favorite ride. 
I love Olivia and Aidan's happy faces here. 
(They're in the first two seats on the left.)

This is the Butterfly, a giant swing.
The kids really liked it, other than the waiting for it to start as you see here.

Lindsey and Tyler with Garfield.

All aboard!

Aidan giving the thumbs up for the train ride.

Liv's ready!

Tyler was so exhausted that he slept on the train. 
The Marshal gave Tyler a badge sticker. Kid didn't notice it until long after the train ride.

This is Aftershock. This 92-second roller coaster ride is INSANE!
My Dad went on it and said I can't leave without going on it. 
Wouldn't you know it, I had to wait in the longest line for it. No one else had to wait
as long! Brian and Lori went on it twice in a row that's how short the line was for them.
So I had the blessing of standing in line watching it go over and over and ...FREAK OUT!
But no I didn't walk out of the line. When it was my turn I took off my flipflops (so they wouldn't fall since you're HANGING in the air with nothing under your feet.) and got in my seat.
My family was great to surround me with moral support. Dad beside me, Lori behind me, and Brian and Summer in front of me. Let me tell you...when that coaster backs up on one of these towers and then literally DROPS, it's quite the feeling. The loop-d-loops didn't scare me. I could handle those. It was the going up the next tower that felt freaky and then free falling down again that got a good scream out of me. Jaime supported me from the ground (he had just gone on Tremors with me prior to this.) taking pics and watching my feet dangle and swears he could pick out my scream among the others. :)
I will say, if we had more time and didn't have to help kids get their rides in I know I could do it again. I just don't want to wait in line for a long time for it. That's what got to me...the thinking to much about it and watching the previous riders ZOOM past at a ripping 67 mph. 
The Aftershock was on the Travel channel July 8th on "Insane Coaster Wars." Aftershock fell into the "Hang 'em High" category and I'm proud to say I've been on it.

The Panic Plunge. Lori, Elizabeth, and Jon rode that puppy up over 100 feet 
and then it's like they cut the rope, seats just drop. It's fun to watch.
Nope, I didn't get on. Something about going up very slowly and looking down
didn't appeal to me. The drop was only 3 seconds but I'm sure my stomach wouldn't make it down 
at the same speed.

Tyler finally worked up the nerve to go on the Giant swing.
So I went with him and so did Maybrie and Aidan.
They loved it, let me tell you.

Chantel, Lindsey, and Lori getting ready for the bumper boats.

Lindsey had a blast and was excited to ride it by herself.

Dumbo the Elephant ride.
Tyler and I busted up laughing when I couldn't keep my  hand on the button
that makes the elephant go up so it kept jerking up and down real fast while we were in the air.
It was actually kind of fun! Added to the ride. Better than just going around and around and around. :)

Some guy in the sno-cone stand gave Tyler a red vine for being so cute. 
Yep, he's just cute!

Antique Car ride.
Aidan went on quite a few rides with Uncle Jon and Aunt Elizabeth.
It was great having so many there to help and enjoy the fun. 
Having 4 kids who all wanted to drive meant we needed more adults than just Jaime and I.

Carousel. Aidan, me, and Dad/Grandpa enjoying his sleigh ride.

Aidan and Lindsey

Ahhh the beloved plane ride!
Aidan can work this like a champ.

Tyler and Lindsey

Maybrie and Olivia

Helicopter, or in Tyler's words, "Hock cocker"
Lindsey and Tyler

Maybrie and Olivia


Aidan and Tyler the second go round on the ride.
They did go on most of the kid rides more than once. 

Jaime and Lindsey sharing a bumper boat and coming up behind
Uncle Brian.

Lil Toot train roller coaster
Maybrie (not seen but there), Summer's back of the head,
Lindsey, Olivia
Aidan, and Me. The kids went on the coaster again with different adults too.

The log ride. It's blurry, sorry. Here's Chantel and Aidan
in the log with Grandma and Grandpa.

Lindsey, Aunt Elizabeth, Olivia, and Uncle Jon.
Tyler went with me and Jaime and Aunt Lori.

Olivia and Lindsey riding Dumbo.

Just before closing time. 
Jaime's taking the pic, Tyler's in a stroller doing his own thing off to the side and my parents left earlier to go take my grandparents out to dinner.
The kids all did AWESOME, especially for being there all day. No one had major melt downs.
Lindsey was great to be so compromising when one of the other kids wanted a certain color ride and she'd move for them or do what she could to keep the peace.

Everyone had a great time. I'm so thankful we were able to go together.
Thank you Elizabeth, Jon, Lori, Chantel, Brian, Summer, and Mom and Dad for
going with us and helping with our kids. It made great memories for them. Jaime and I couldn't have done it without you and I can honestly say that I wouldn't have had as much fun with out each of you there. I enjoyed going on different rides with all of you and laughing and visiting during lunch and dinner. I'm going to miss Brian and Summer and Maybrie and Thomas when they move. 
I'm so grateful they were able to come on this trip with us. 

This was a good way for me to finish our summer trips!


  1. What a fun family outing :) Silverwood is seriously awesome!


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