A Walk in the Past

Friday July 6, 2012

Friday was up early again and off to do more walking in the heat.
However I can't complain. We went to see Heritage Park where you're able to see how the early Mormons lived after they arrived in Salt Lake.

"This is the place" monument

A statue of a family giving thanks after making the long trek to Salt Lake.

We saw many old cabins merely 12X13 and then some nice farm homes.
Some lived really well and others lived with the bare minimum. 

The kids got to see what school might be like for the pioneers.

Check out this Deseret Alphabet. They spelled using just sounds.
Not the sounds of specific letters. I don't know if I could explain it right.

Lindsey and Aidan loved riding the horse.

For some must pull and some must push! Then the little ones ride I guess. :)

Small replica of the ship that's 6 times larger that was sent around South America 
to California.

Replica of Brigham Young's Farm House.
So beautiful. I love the wrap around porch and they have 
entrances for different guests.

Tour guide through the farm house.

On the train ride for our next stop.

Panning for gold.

There was small nuggets in the stream to find.

Even my dad panned for gold!

Tyler waiting for lunch in the small restaurant.

Lindsey and Olivia learned how laundry was done...

while Grandma and Tyler played with toys of the day.

Olivia really liked doing laundry. I told her that could be her chore. :)

Peddler selling youthful serums.
This was right after we left Brigham's Donuts shop. The warm donuts were warm
and melt in your mouth good. Loved them!

Leather working.

Duck families heading to the pond.

Our mini train ride around the pond.

Fun for us all. :)

Petting a reindeer.

Inside a hogan house.

After Heritage Park we went to the Joseph Smith Memorial Building
to watch the Joseph Smith movie.
After the movie we went down to City Creek again for dinner at
the Cheesecake Factory. Kids really worked up an appetite!

This boy melts my heart. He will come up to me and put his arm around me often just to show me he loves me. He has such a tender heart and loves to be helpful.

Tyler ate quickly then stayed occupied with silverware.

After dinner we went to Liberty Park. This park stretched pretty far with fun play equipment
and splash pad.

Playing on instruments

Aidan spent a good 20 minutes just going up the ladder and down this slide, over
and over and over and over...etc.

Tyler loves to swing! 

It was a good way to end the busy day. Kids happy and tired and ready for bed!


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