Christmas Morn
The kids don't wake up awfully early on Christmas. 7 a.m. The girls came in to get Jaime and I to show them what Santa left for them by their stockings. I didn't get too many pictures of things this year but I guess that means I was enjoying everything and got caught up in the excitement .
Tyler got a new train set from Santa
Aidan got the Octonaut Octopod from Santa
Santa gave Lindsey an Ever After High doll set. I have yet to get a picture of Olivia's Santa gift, a Calico Critter School house. After seeing what Santa left for everyone we opened up the rest of the gifts.

Lindsey was stoked to get a pair of beats headphones. She wanted them in this aqua color so bad. We got a killer deal on some! I don't think we bought anything at regular price this year. One of our best steals were $70-80 toys for the boys that we got at around $25!
After gifts we had the awesome delight of traditional Christmas omelets made by Jaime's dad.

Even in my house these two just took over the kitchen and made breakfast. I felt bad and kept asking what I could do to help.
They said, nothing, they had it taken care of...
and boy did they. Such goodness! The trade-off was that Jaime and I cleaned up the kitchen. No problem! I was so grateful for this delicious breakfast.
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