The Scientist

On Friday the 19th, the last day of school for the year, Olivia came home with a kit for "12 Days of STEM." It's a kit with lots of little science projects for them to do over the break and take notes of their findings. This is totally up Olivia's alley. She loves science projects. Even if it's not homework, she likes to bring home science project books from the library and do the project at home. 
This tornado in a bottle wasn't one in the kit from school but one from a book she checked out from the library. It's surprisingly a well played with "toy" by all the kids who come around. Maybe I should have made a bunch of these for Christmas gifts!

She had other projects like build a constellation from toothpicks and marshmallows, watch water walk, making a flute out of a straw and listen to the sound changes, and many other experiments. It's homework that I don't have to tell her to get done. Nice!


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