Time Flies

I haven't done a very good job the last couple months of keeping my blog up so it seems that each post covers a few days to weeks at a time. The holiday season is always busy though. :)

As I've said MANY times, Tyler loves and adores babies. He loves this little guy Jake. Tyler would have probably made a good older sibling but he will always be my baby.

We went to see Santa's reindeer Dancer and Prancer with Sarah and Brandon and their boys. 
Tyler couldn't believe the reindeer were real. When I told him we were going to see some reindeer for some reason he pictured something fake. His face lit up when he saw the reindeer walking around and were really REAL!

These Reindeer didn't hold still at all to get them in a pic with the kids, so the backside works I guess. You can see they're there. 

Lindsey, Sarah, and Jake warming up by the fire.

Tyler could have stayed out here for a long time. He liked walking through the trees that were for sell. He asked me if we were going to buy one. I said we already had a Christmas tree. He responded with "But we don't have one like this!" Nope, no real trees in my house. Call me crazy but I'm happy with my fake one that doesn't need water, drop needles, house bugs, and most importantly…my fake is less of a fire hazard. However, I like the idea of a real tree only because I wouldn't have to store it the rest of the year. Don't get me wrong. I do love real trees. I just don't want one in my house. I will enjoy everyone else's. :)

My latest installment of my blog books arrived. Yay!! It's from 2013. I know 2014 is almost over but the website I order from has their biggest sale in December. I will probably order 2014 next December as well…unless by some magical chance they have a good deal before then. 

Our 10th ward was split…again. The 11th ward is the newly created ward. Look how small of an area 1st and 9th cover. That's truly awesome we have that many members in our location. What a blessing. Yesterday was our first day in our newly arranged ward. The overflow was opened after all as people filled up chairs back into the gym again. However, people from 11th ward came for a missionary farewell, plus there were more visitors for a baby blessing. I think after the holidays we will see if we can fit in just the chapel and overflow. Only about 40 kids were taken from our primary of about 206. So we still have 3 nurseries and over 150 kids in primary. Insane isn't it! We lost a lot of our youth though. I understand the need for and how the split was made but it is sad to not have some of our friends in our ward with us. Our neighbor Justin is our new bishop. Wow. I'm not sure to congratulate or offer condolences to his family since he will be gone double what he's already been gone for his work and previous calling. I can understand why leaders of our church are prayed for. They can use all the help and guidance they can get for such an enormous responsibility. 

Lindsey's teeth really like her mouth and don't want to come out. Ever. Can you believe she's had loose teeth for over a year?! The same ones too! And what's worse is that her permanent teeth have already grown in where the loose teeth are. Each time she goes to the dentist they say, just wiggle it'll come out. It'd cost us lots to have them pulled. The girl has rows of teeth! Like a shark. I had finally started wiggling it and telling Jaime how it looked so he started cleaning in-between the old and new teeth because a toothbrush doesn't reach there. I was getting worried that her permanent teeth would get cavities. Finally, last night Jaime cleaned around her most loose tooth and tried to twist and wiggle it to help it come out. Lindsey finally said he could pull it out…because I bribed her with money. It'd cost less this way than me to pay a dentist. Lindsey was scared of the pain. Jaime did a good job numbing it so she didn't feel too much but I watched him twist and turn and twist and turn that tooth all the way around, both ways! He really had to pull on that thing hard multiple times till finally it gave way. Phew!! Now two more to go. But they are still attached to the gum pretty good. Poor girl, she knows braces are in her near future. 


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