Lampson Cable Bridge Run

I registered to run the Lampson Cable Bridge run this year. I've never done it before, honestly I have a hard time paying to run when I can do it for free. I've been running with a couple friends and so they got me in to actually doing a couple races the past couple months. Kellie couldn't run the cable bridge run because her son was getting baptized at the same time. So it was just going to be Sarah and I, however, she came down with a fever and yucky-ness a couple days before the race. Same thing happened on our last race so I ran this one alone again. It wasn't too cold on Saturday December 20th but it was a rainy morning. Anyone who knows me knows that it takes me a long time to warm up once I'm cold so I wasn't actually looking forward to running out in the cold, gray, rainy morning. Once I got in my spot for the race, I got excited for it! Running over the bridge was so cool. The rain pretty much stopped after I got off the bridge! I just listened to my music and ran and enjoyed the scenery. I haven't been improving a whole lot but my runs all seem pretty consistent which is good. I can keep the same pace for pretty much the entire race. I do it just for the exercise and the experience really. 

my time and rank. I couldn't believe how many people were there. This shows just the 1205 runners for the 5k! That doesn't count the 10k and 1 mile participants. It was pretty crowded and slow moving across the bridge. Once I could get out of the crowds the run was better. 
When I got home Jaime had made me a nice hot breakfast and hot chocolate. Love him! I was grateful for his support and confidence, especially since I wasn't too keen on doing this all by myself. 

That's me to the right of the reindeer ladies in this picture of the Tri-city Herald. 


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