Christmassy stuff!

We've been getting our Christmas on.

Cookie decorating with friends. It's so nice of Jessica to do this for me! I have never (shocking I know) made sugar cookies and let my kids decorate like this. They have decorated cookies many times but not because of me. The kids love it! However, I'm not a sugar cookie, icing, sprinkle eating kind of person. Jess says just to plan on this every year. Thank you!!

We went to see Santa at the ward party

He was a bit silly and tickled Lindsey so she couldn't stand still for pics. Lol

All day, no all WEEK, Tyler's been talking about what he was going to ask Santa for. When he got the chance he stood there thinking because he couldn't remember what he wanted to tell Santa! It did eventually come to him. :) Transformers!!

Jaime doesn't really have an office of his own right now while the school is being built. So the gifts he orders for me are coming to the house and sitting here like this... for days!!! I may or may not have stopped Aidan from taking scissors to open the tape. However Lindsey does! I tell you, Jaime needs to move these and wrap them. Torture! If they stay like this much longer I may be the one opening them. 

We went to another ugly sweater party. It was hilariously funny. My cheeks hurt from laughing so much. Love, love getting together with great friends. 


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